While walking the other day, my eyes were repeatedly drawn to the perfect beauty of the sacred geometry playing out in nature all around me.  I kept noticing the flowers’ impossibly intricate patterns and the new green leaves against the stark blue sky.  As I skipped across a creek on rocks, I noticed how beautiful the shadow of the Rhododendron leaves looked upon the shallow rippling water, glistening in the sunshine.  These shadows were everywhere I looked and calling to me to pay attention.  I heard them telling me to stop and be quiet.  So, I sat on the edge of the water and stared at the leaf shadows for a nice long while.

I sat quietly and watched the water.  What I received was a message about our own inherent “shadow” side.  It is not our dark or undesirable part but is there to show us the brightness of our LIGHT!  Our shadow shows us where the light is blocked, literally, and figuratively.  It felt like I was being given a new perspective and how that is all we really need sometimes… to see something in a new “light.”

Having participated in healing modalities using “shadow work” in the past, I am learning to embrace this misunderstood part of ourselves.  To be whole, we must learn to love our whole Self, unconditionally… the good, the bad, and everything in between.  For actually, we have no “bad” side, as this belief is what creates separation and judgment within ourselves.  All humans are inherently whole, and only our sometimes-misguided thoughts create the illusion of separation.

Our shadows are simply there for contrast.  If we accept this disparity of what feels “good” and what feels “bad” without judgment, we have an incredible personal guidance system to direct our thoughts to that which lifts us up.  When we can easily identify this phenomenon in our daily lives, it is easier to remain in a place of high vibration (aka. feeling “good”) and create our ideal reality. It is up to us to decide, quite literally, what that is for each of us.

The next time you find yourself feeling negative about a situation, I invite you to find the contrast.  Look for a new way to observe and see where the light is blocked.  Everything is a teacher, and our shadow is no exception.  YOU are the light!  Keep shining!
