It all begins with intention

If our intention is to become more aware, we will begin to notice things we may not have otherwise seen.  We are receiving guidance through signs, symbols, and occurrences all the time.  With practice, we can intuitively allow these experiences to present themselves to us.  When we become aware of a message, whether it comes in the form of a new thought, or recognize it as a sign or an omen, it is the significance we place on these messages that becomes our guidance.  It is our choice to trust this communication or discard it as a coincidence or happenstance.


One of my favorite authors, Ted Andrews, defines himself as a “Spiritist,” which is somebody that “believes that not only is the nonhuman world alive, but it also possesses articulate and at times intelligible spirits, which can perceive, communicate, and interact with us.  The Divine manifests through all things of the natural world in unique ways.”  This perfectly defines how I observe the world, as well.  I have essentially trained myself to see the magic all around me, for I understand this to be a choice I have.  The result is that I have enchanted encounters with the natural world nearly continuously.  I also understand this to be a gift anyone can cultivate.  Any person can learn to see the magic and mystery all around us.  It is simply having an open mind and choosing to see it.


I just returned from an amazing adventure in Virginia and West Virginia with a good friend.  We always have extraordinary ventures together, but this trip was particularly mind-blowing.  We called in remarkable nature encounters and healing miracles repeatedly, every day.  One morning on our walk, we walked up on a snake on the side of the trail in the grass.  Although many people are frightened of snakes and have adverse reactions, I view snakes as powerful symbols of healing, transformation, and rebirth.  I always cherish my meetings with snakes. 


The snake was dark with faint markings.  It was in the shadows of the tall trees surrounded by grass.  At first, I was convinced it was a grey rat snake until we saw her rattles.  It was the calmest and most peaceful encounter with a timber rattlesnake we could have ever imagined.  As she slithered slowly and methodically, in an unusually straight line toward the other side of the gravel roadbed, we were able to watch her safely from a distance with awe and gratitude.  My entire body was filled with excitement to be witness to this unique experience.  We both knew it was a most magical sign. 


During the progression of the trip, (with many more auspicious and wonder-filled happenings), I knew that treating this snake encounter as the magical healing event that it was, had allowed me to receive many more blessings.  After that, we had further meetings with animals that seemed just as astonishing.  Each time we would take time to stop and ask what the message was.  And they came.  Loud and clear.  We all have the ability to receive guidance whenever we need it.


With awareness, we are given opportunities to awaken new perspectives.  I encourage you to take the leap of faith…  Whatever that means for you.  Open your mind and your senses to an enchanted world waiting patiently to be witnessed. 

What magic have you seen today?