What is Wildwood Magic?

The Wild Wood is an enchanted place where we take our physical body for a simple walk in the woods and are, in turn, gifted with nothing less than a most profound experience.   We enter the Magic of the WildWood, in essence, through our purpose or intention.  We allow the elements of the natural world to permeate our being and transport us to another realm of existence.  We are continuously invited to go beyond our senses and embrace what we cannot see or hear with the eyes or ears.  We are literally surrounded by teachers, elders, healers, and benevolent guides in the Wild Wood.  And when we begin to pay attention, they reveal their secrets in earnest.


So, what happens when we choose to Walk as a Sacred Path?

Guidance is everywhere…. Nature spirits, guides, angels, and other loving, benevolent beings can be our personal guides and private council. Teachers of all kinds surround us… and they are thrilled to walk beside us, providing gentle support whenever we ask.  You may already have (or will soon begin to) have epiphanies, downloads, illuminations, or Aha! moments more frequently.  They appear to come from nowhere, when in fact, these inspired revelations are coming through us, from the Divine, Source, Creator, or Great Spirit. We can encourage more synchronicities and messages by bringing ourselves back to the present moment and tuning in to that indwelling guidance within.  Walking is a most enjoyable way to access this profound and ancient wisdom.