I invite you to participate in a Full Moon in Scorpio ritual, Thursday, May 7, 2020…

This full moon is known as the Wesak full moon (pronounced wee-sack), which is also known as Buddha’s birthday.  Because Scorpio is representative of transformation, death, and rebirth (as enlightenment), it is the perfect time to release all that is holding us back from fulfilling our soul purpose.   Many people feel that Wesak is the most important spiritual celebration of the year.  My dearest teacher taught me that this was when the “Great Beings that guard and hold our spiritual evolution come through to guide us on this day.”


If you wish, take a few moments to create your own ceremony.  You can do this at the exact time of the full moon, however, it is occurring at 6:45 am EST, which might be a little early for some, so, within 18 hours before the full moon is suitable to capture the full essence of this auspicious day.  Smudge your space by burning a little sage or whatever cleansing ritual you might have even if it is simply your intention, and light a candle.*  Black is the color of Scorpio, so black candles and dark crystals such as obsidian or black tourmaline, are perfect to use on this occasion.  This is to signify the release of the dark energy of suffering and old patterns so that we may have a “spiritual rebirth.”


Write on a piece of paper what you would like to release and any patterns or behaviors you wish to let go of.  Always remember to fill this negative space with that which you wish to call in, such as any new habits or intentions you would like to establish.  Feel gratitude for this healing and know it is done.  Conclude your ritual with, an affirmative statement, such as, “Thank you, it is done!”


Here is a chant to celebrate Wesak:


Wild Woman

I am a wild woman.

I am a wild woman.

I live in the sands and I walk in the sun,

I am a wild woman.

I am a wild woman.

I sleep on the earth and I dance in the trees,

I live in the sands and I fly on the breeze,

I walk in in the sun and I drink with the bees,

I sing with the rocks and I do as I please.

I am a wild woman.

I am a wild woman.


Inner Voice, Songs of the Spirit


*Please use safe fire practices and never leave a burning candle unattended.