Last fall, I began to see a chiropractor for chronic pain in my Sacroiliac (SI) joint.  I had blamed it on walking on pavement for 7-10 miles a day after hiking on dirt for as long as I could remember.  I still don’t know if it’s my overly exuberant fast and giant strides or an old injury from hiking in Yosemite.  I had fallen down and literally busted my ass on solid rock years ago and thought it had finally come back to haunt me. All I know is I was in pain. I changed walking locations, shoes, inserts… even my socks… as well as the yoga postures I practiced, yet the bottle of ibuprofen remained in its new, permanent place next to my bed.


I never stopped walking, though.  Somedays, I would lessen my mileage or my pace, but I never gave up.  I practiced different techniques, and I realized something significant.  My posture mattered!  When I would walk while keeping my back predominantly straight …no, not like a robot, silly… just aligned, and consciously not stooped over (especially on inclines), I felt better.  A lot better. This was an astounding discovery.  So, I practiced keeping my spine vertical and tall, and my pain began to subside!


This evidence-based realization felt like a huge epiphany.  When I stand up straight and walk a little more upright, I can instantly feel the difference in my back, as well as my hips, knees… everything down to my feet!  Mom was right! Stand up straight! Not only does this take pressure off the spine, but walking more upright has a myriad of other benefits.


Good posture creates an inner sense of purpose and self-confidence.  The way in which we walk speaks volumes about our internal state.  Watch yourself in a mirror and see if you can spot the difference.  Walking upright helps us feel large and in charge.  So, the next time you have discomfort while moving, try to become a little more conscious about your posture, relax, and see if it helps!

Happy walking!!
