Why do we need SELF LOVE? It is truly the foundational ingredient for whole health and happiness. And it isn’t just being “nice” to ourselves, although that’s an excellent place to start. It is making moment-to-moment decisions for our overall wellbeing and nourishment
We may not even be fully aware of the negative self-talk going inside the often critical, vast cavern sitting upon our shoulders. Self-love results in a journey of growing kindness toward others, too. We are all reflections of others. The good we see in others is also in us. The judgment we have for others triggers something (sometimes on a deep level) within ourselves as well. We are all magical and mysterious mirrors! The wisdom resides in the understanding that we can’t truly love another until we learn to love ourselves.
Self-love creates a healthier, happier, and more peaceful planet earth, too. For the self-love we learn to have for ourselves expands exponentially outward and heals the whole world. It shows up in EVERYTHING we do and creates our universal outlook on life. As within, so without…
It can be challenging, especially at first, on this extended expedition of self-mastery. But remember, it’s a practice, like anything worthwhile to discover. Are you going to be perfect on your path to self-love? Well, I hope not. That would make you something other than human! Self-love practice is simply creating new thoughts and patterns of beliefs and habits. The easiest way is to ask your inner guides for help! We often forget to ask for help. Ask to be shown when your self-talk isn’t aligned with your highest and best good. And when you get the thought of doing something kind for yourself, follow through and do it. With love!
Self-Love Practice #1… If you don’t already have a GRATITUDE PRACTICE, let your desire for more self-love begin with this new perspective. A gratitude practice is cultivating the habit of being grateful for everything… even stuff we would term as “bad.” Then, we begin to see the gifts and blessings our experiences and lessons have for us with time. In terms of the universe, there really is no “bad,” only opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve.
Here are just a few simple ways to add more gratitude to your life…
*Every day when you first wake up and before drifting off to sleep, say, “I am so happy and grateful.” This creates a beautiful foundation for the day and night.
*Set an Intention (a personal Declaration) to yourself to adopt the Practice of Gratitude
*The more often you notice things you have gratitude for, the more things you realize you have to feel grateful for!
*In the morning, be grateful for your water/tea/coffee. Bless your food/medication/supplements/ and everything you consume, and be grateful to have all these things.
*If you REALLY want to be successful with a Gratitude Practice…. Write down three (or more) things you are grateful for every day, and watch your list grow!
Self-Love Practice #2: Say “YES” to life and all it has to offer! (And be grateful for the opportunity- haha) Say Yes! through your Intuition, with Trust and Confidence in your Guidance. Whatever it is, say Yes! to the invitation! If we say yes with fear and doubt, we attract less than pleasant experiences into our lives, but when we say yes through trust and confidence, the Yes! is divinely orchestrated. By learning to trust the universe, you’re saying yes to all the magical opportunities that surround us every day. This process teaches us how to TRUST OURSELVES.
What saying Yes! to life is really about is remaining open to RECEIVE ALL OF OUR GOOD. I was inspired recently by a conversation with a friend where I was complimenting her on her habit of saying, “I’m open to receive.” Saying Yes! to receiving all of our good creates more opportunities to receive even more of the “good stuff” life offers. You might just be surprised at the result produced by the brave act of stepping outside your comfort zone. That’s where all the magic happens!
Self-Love Practice #3: MOVEMENT! Those of you who know me know I can’t stop talking about the magic of walking. Haha! In my opinion, Walking as a Sacred Practice is one of the most beneficial self-love practices we can adopt. Not just for the physical and mental benefits such as weight loss, higher energy levels, stronger muscles and bones, decreased blood pressure, as well as less chance of heart problems, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, constipation, obesity, and diabetes, just to name a few.
Walking also improves coordination and balance, eases joint pain, boosts the immune system, and can even motivate you to choose healthier eating options, such as decreased sugar cravings. It elevates your mood, reduces stress, gives you a sense of accomplishment and a deeper connection to nature.
The energetic benefits are just as numerous. Our chakras, or energy centers, are stimulated by harmonious movement.
Our creative life force energy needs to be stimulated physically, as well. Taking walks can invigorate your creative energy and give you inspiration and new ideas just by movement alone. If we don’t inspire our creative energy, it can turn inward and behave as a destructive force. This blockage often shows up as addiction, anger, depression, and so forth.
Walking can be an immediate and effective remedy for negative emotions and suppressed creative energy.
Almost any suffering – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, can be lessened by taking a walk in nature. Spending time in nature heals you on all levels!!
If you wish to learn more about Walking as a Sacred Practice, download your FREE GUIDE at or purchase the complete book HERE.
So, what’s in the free guide? More information about:
- What is Walking as a Sacred Practice?
- The benefits of walking: physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.
- What you need to do to start a walking practice and how to do it.
- The proper technique and helpful tips to avoid injury.
- Safety concerns.
- What you need to have with you for all styles of walking.
- How to make walking a daily habit… and a magical ritual.
- And so much more! Download your free e-book HERE.