Like leaves on a tree gracefully moving in a breeze, Sacred Movement through dance is natural and vital to all of life. A powerful tool for awakening subtle energies within us, it is an outer expression of our inner Spirit. It is not performance, it is participation. There is not a right or wrong way to do it. Sacred Movement allows us to transcend our state of mind and reach higher states of consciousness. A celebration of life, dancing as Sacred Movement awakens the primal force within us that responds to the rhythm of the universe.
This upcoming Spring Equinox, the women will gather together to honor the Sacred Divine Feminine to heal and transform ourselves and the world. This means to honor her presence within our bodies and our soul. A time for rebirth and understanding the interconnectedness of all life, the feminine is the ultimate creatrix. We need to awaken this immense wisdom now more than ever.
Please join us March 20th, 6:30-9:00 pm at Crystal Coast Unity in Atlantic Beach, N.C., to discover fun, mystical tools for Self-Empowerment and Inspiration, Awakening the Divine Feminine within, in a safe and enchanted space. This powerful ceremony weaves together gentle guided Sacred Movement, Rituals, Meditation, Divination, Soul-Connections, (and organic Chocolate of course!) into a magical evening that could even be life-transforming.
Energy Exchange is a sliding scale: $25-$45
See you there!