I held the intention to walk the length of the Foothills Trail, present, and intuitively… choosing a place to camp each night based on how I felt and where I wanted to travel… feeling fully in harmony with my surroundings and having no rigid schedule to steer my path. I thought I might occasionally check to see if I had any urgent messages to respond to and that I would only use my phone for photos, which is typical for me while walking.

Not only did I feel strongly connected to the earth and all her magic, but I repeatedly forgot to “check for service” at peaks and other likely areas. I was utterly and blissfully detached from anything and everything for six days, with no agenda but to walk. There are no perfect words to describe a journey such as this.

I have the freedom and joy I experience while walking because I ask for it. And now, I have come to expect it. I walk in gratitude and know every step is taking me to the perfect place, no matter where or how far away it is.

One of the first insights on my path of “Walking as a Sacred Practice” was the realization of the value (and ease) of being wholly present… awakening to a new world… and being distraction-free. To be alone with our thoughts is to be completely vulnerable. Walking in nature is a sacred healing ritual where we can physically, emotionally, and spiritually release them and request miracles. When we ask, that is when the real magic happens.

I believe it is imperative for our self-evolution to have regular periods of media-free time. Often utilized as merely a distraction, yet rarely perceived as such, technology has altered every aspect of our lives. While also delivering immense benefits, our relationship with technology has an energy all of its own. Now, we are tasked with balancing all our relationships with the innate human need for connection with the natural world.

When we walk down a path with intention, nature allows us to experience pure presence and opens our inner sight to the ceaseless wonders happening all around us.

Join me for a full day (or weekend) of pure wonderment at the Walking as a Sacred Path One-Day Wilderness Retreat on June 3rd in North Georgia. Gentle, enchanting walks, all the practical skills of a full day-hiking masterclass, blended with ancient rituals and sacred practices. Reserve your spot today!