Have you heard the expression, “Let Go, Let God” before?  This is one of those phrases I have heard for years that never really meant anything to me…until it did.  Growing up with an exposure to a mixture of religions, including southern Baptist bible school AND a conservative Catholic middle school…uhh…., all I can say is, I developed a stance of pure repulsion concerning all things “religion.”  This included any and all words such as God, Christ, Lord, bible, worship, etc. and I adopted a generally rebellious attitude, and even assumed the label, “atheist or agnostic” at one time or another.


And then one day…I found the Crystal Coast Unity “church” in small-town-U.S.A.-Atlantic Beach, NC….and my experience with “church” began to change.  Drastically.  With the guidance of an amazing, compassionate, and like-hearted minister, Catherine Klein, and other church members, I began to understand the beauty of a community that lives the truth of love and connection with ALL people.  And as my resistance lessened, I began to understand more of the metaphysical truths behind some of the concepts that once felt the most alien.


One of these concepts was God.  Slowly, I have begun to understand that the words we know as (fill in the blank…God, Universe, Creator, Spirit, Source, etc.) all mean the same benevolent Universal energy, that I have now come to understand as, Love.  Yes…. esoteric, unnamable, and so simple…. yet so incredibly complex, all at the same time.  I personally believe the Universe IS benevolent and conspiring for our good!  But the true understanding of the phrase, “Let Go, Let God” and others like it, continued to bewilder me.  I intellectually understood what it meant, but I did not know how to apply it to my life.


Sometimes we just need to hear things for the 42ndtime before it sinks in, I guess.  Recently, I was gifted a tiny 6-page booklet called “The Golden Key” by Emmet Fox, that basically explains in very few words, that the key to our troubles is to NOT think about them and to think about God. Once upon a time, I would have totally dismissed this, but with my new understanding that God is everything good, wise, and pure love, I found this to be quite an EASY task.  You mean that the answer to all my terribly important issues is to not think about them???? Seriously? Ok, well, I say, SIGN ME UP!?  How could I not try this?


So far, I have found great success in allowing myself to NOT consternate over my pressing troubles and to [peacefully] take inspired action when appropriate.  I now see all these once foreign concepts are all connected and essentially the same… “Detachment with Love,” “Let Go, Let God,” as well as the “Law of Attraction” are about focusing on the GOOD, and that which you desire, and keeping your mind off what you don’t want.  Hmmm.  Seems pretty simple to me.  I also like how Emmet talks about viewing it as an experiment.  And, by choosing a “positive statement to repeat” (an affirmation) when your mind wanders back to your troubles, you can easily redirect your mind elsewhere, anytime, anyplace.


I love the concept of “experimentation” because it doesn’t take too much commitment to try something new.  Exploring new behaviors, rituals, or thought patterns can yield truly remarkable results! Becoming an “experimentalist” expands awareness and introduces one to amazing, life-changing new perspectives. Now that I no longer cringe at the thought of phrases such as “Let Go, Let God,” I feel truly free to reap the rewards of my continually opening mind.  So, I encourage you to try a new “experiment”.  Use whatever phrase or words that speak to you…. and if you feel called, please share your experience!
