Have you ever been to a place that moved you so deeply you felt you had no words capable of describing it?

My two-day trip to el Santuario de Veronica has left me completely in awe of the depth of beauty found on this planet… The crystal-clear water rushes wildly down the sides of the towering peaks before plunging to the river below… Ghost-like clouds hover protectively over the ancient forest of ferns, moss, agave, bromeliads, cactus, eucalyptus, and a myriad of jungle-like flora.  I walk through the hacienda among hundred-year-old cypresses in a small grove, wondering how different this place might have been… or not have been… when these trees were planted.

This cloud-forest paradise is a multi-generational conservation project that protects the area surrounding Apu Veronica, a Sacred Mountain over 19,000.’ She reveals her icy glacier-covered crown on rare summer occasions to the lucky ones staring… spellbound… at her majestic splendor at the perfect moment.  I caught a partial glimpse that only made me want to return to this pristine utopia.

What was actually so extraordinary about this mystical place was the love you can unquestionably sense emanating from this mountain …and being given to it by the amazing family caring for the land.  They have built a comfortable and delightful place for guests to come and be in this enchanted space …living in total harmony with the elements surrounding them.  The facilities are self-sufficient, utilizing solar panels, satellite internet, and the abundant resources existing here.  An integral part of the community, Miguel, Kati, and their family, are full of local wisdom, magical stories, delicious homecooked food, and true inspiration.  I could not be more thrilled to be returning here in October 2022, with a special group of people on a most magical retreat! [Yay! Details coming soon! Mark your calendar… 10/9/22-10/18-22]