I am so grateful for REST STOPS!
Being a frequent traveler, one of the things I appreciate most about American highways is the super nice rest stops I stumble across! They show up on the interstate at the perfect time -seriously- and have everything I need for a proper “rest stop.” Especially the ones along Interstate 40 in North Carolina… A veritable vandwellers paradise, I tell you!
The bathrooms are cleaned frequently and well-stocked. I can throw away my trash, which is minimal, but often contains food scraps that can make a home on wheels smell less than desirable. I can often find recycling bins for all my stored-up recyclables. The picnic tables are often covered, so a break from driving in the rain is totally doable. Some are so nice they look like miniature parks! Some of my favorite ones even have short walking trails and truly beautiful nature around it. I’ve written many a blog post sitting at a picnic table at a rest stop! I have even been known to pull out my yoga mat and do some much needed stretches right on top of the picnic table! Haha.
Having just spent almost five months in a developing country, the contrast here some days is stark. I miss the simple life of Peru, but there are many things we have here in the United States that easily get taken for granted… like… multiple rest stops on a three-hour road trip. In many other places around the world, it is hard to even find public restrooms, let alone ones that are clean, well-stocked, and free. It is sometimes hard to find trash cans, let alone, recycling bins.
I am focusing on the good that I find all around me. These days, it is easy to find plenty to moan and groan about, but I have a fresh perspective and a desire to always look for the good. What is something you find good that you may have taken for granted?