Happy New Moon in Capricorn- 1/13/21 12:00 am EST.


What new ideas are swirling around in your head during this tumultuous time? Capricorn is the perfect time for putting our plans into place and creating a foundation for the coming year.  Because Capricorn is an earth sign, it is a place to recognize the boundaries we have in place and either alter or strengthen them.   Let’s do some creative writing, shall we?


Before you take out a paper/journal and write down everything you wish to manifest in this upcoming new moon cycle, take a moment to center yourself.  Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.  Fill your entire body with deep inhales and exhales- go on now; just do it.😊


Visualize powerful, grounding energy coming up from the ground, through the bottoms of your feet, flowing upwards through your entire body.  Keep breathing deeply as you imagine this healing, invigorating energy filling your whole self with renewed vitality and purpose.  See this force exiting out of the crown of your head and circling back down to the earth, in a complete cycle.  Stay with this visualization as long as it feels good to do so.  Have a wonderful day, my friend.


