Sitting here…quietly…under these giant Spruce trees, occasionally interspersed with stark white aspen, has been nothing less than magical.  The scent of a Spruce forest is a unique and wonderful experience.  And the first cool winds of autumn are refreshing and welcome…

The road up to Lost Lake in the Gunnison National Forest was full of shady and level places to camp.  I found a hole in the woods and maneuvered Ruby through a tight maze of trees like I was being guided by the Universe.  To my delight it opened up to the perfect camping spot ever, surrounded by endless hiking. What a gift!

I spent some time here.  And what a time I had.  I hiked all over the place, explored, read, wrote, and got my yoga on.  I hiked the Three Lakes Trail one day and saw stunning views of boulder fields, snow capped mountains, alpine lakes and absolute beauty…EVERYWHERE.  I found that Lost Lake.  Clearly I am not the first.  There’s a sign right by it.

It is amazingly quiet here.  A quiet like I have never heard before.  (hahaha)  Not even a cricket chirped.  Occasionally I would hear a squirrel chattering in the distance… (Is it me or are they ridiculously loud around here?) In fact I had a whole relationship with one of these spastic little creatures.  I felt certain he hopped on the same branch every day and mocked me.

And then suddenly they appeared out of nowhere….  the MOOSE!  Two of them!  They casually walked right through my campsite, maybe 30 feet away.  It was quite entertaining actually, they paused a long time looking at me, and I told them how nice they were looking, and then they just moseyed on with a good snort.


At 10,000’ elevation, the Aspen were already showing off their cosmic yellow which, in contrast next to a bright blue sky is a sight to behold.  The photos do not do it justice. But here goes anyway….

