I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but HERE IT IS…

Everybody has a superpower.

I know, I know… there are some people that say, “I don’t have a superpower.”  Well, I am here to tell you that I believe everybody has a superpower.  At LEAST one.

And that maybe, if you don’t think you do, maybe you just haven’t found yours yet?  Or maybe (and most likely) you don’t realize just how super your power actually is

I am going to say it again, Every Body has a Super Power!


It doesn’t mean we all have the ability to leap to the top of tall buildings in a single bound, it could simply be that your SMILE lights up the room.  Or your ability to laugh at anything, no matter how funny …or not.  lol.



In the modern world, it is the louder, sometimes, obnoxious noises that get the most notice.  But it isn’t really all this shiny attention-grabbing distraction, that makes anybody more or less, or this or that.  It is our essence, that something deep within us that matters.  It usually isn’t louder, or bigger, or shinier.  Because it’s real.  It is authentic.  And there is no one out there, that does it better than YOU because the way you do …whatever IT is… in your own unique way. It is that thing that lights you up, sets you on fire, and makes you want to do it more.  A sense of satisfaction that comes from somewhere… otherworldly.


You may be able to grow the world’s most lovely rose or make a great lasagna.  Or, you might invent something that saves the lives of thousands of people.  There is no scale of importance, we need every bit of it.   It is what makes us the whole, living, breathing, entity that we are… the whole earth.  We are all a part of nature and we each have an important part to play.


I absolutely love the notion that everything is either Love or a call for Love.  I believe this to be true.  Unfortunately, we often end up believing that others have more importance in the world, are better, superior, have more talent, skill, luck… whatever…. And because of this, we never see ourselves as the amazing, divine being we ALL are.  Apparently, we all just need to love and feel more loved.  Love is a SUPERPOWER.

You are loved.

We need you.

Now, more than ever.

You are the light of the world.

xoxo Collin