In this wonderful age of New Thought, we come to understand that we must simply focus on what we want, and…TADA! There it is.  While I believe this to be wholly true, I also believe that we must support our positive visualizations by taking action toward our goals.  The continuous envisioning of our desires and dreams is a significant part of the process, but often we forget that it is only the beginning of the physical manifestation process.  If we could all just wish our dreams into being, the world would be a very different place.  (Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, anyone?)


Vision BoardWhen we passionately and repeatedly express our dreams and desires, the universe always responds by providing opportunities for us to create the reality we want.  Many know this as the Law of Attraction.  Although it almost never shows up as we think it should, it is up to us to say, “Yes!” to the potential magic that life is offering us.  And although sometimes it feels like we are almost always working on our “stuff,” we may actually be procrastinating due to […dramatic music…], you guessed it, fear.  The best thing we can ever do for ourselves is to go out and take decisive action toward our dreams.


In my own journey, I have become familiar with my patterns of fear.  My biggest clue has come while reading past journals, where I have always felt free to spill my heart out to the universe about all my ideas and dreams.  I began to see that I have been brainstorming the project I am now working on, literally, for years.  To say that it has been eye-opening would be an understatement.  I had no idea that I could actually brainstorm an idea for this long and not see my subconscious fear as the terminal distraction from realizing the physical expression of what I want! I was working hard toward my dream, but apparently, I was not taking the action steps that I found to be the most intimidating.  I know I am not alone.


Our subconscious fears can be so sneaky!  “Fear of failure” can show up in so many forms that we may not even recognize it as fear. It shows up as perfectionism, waiting to get everything “just right,” before launching into the next step.  Or, it shows up as plain old life, and we conveniently use “it” to focus on something or someone else instead of our [scary] next step toward success.  What we don’t always remember, is that it is not only perfectly acceptable to struggle, or even fail, but is the next right step toward our true happiness.  Waiting until every last bit is perfect, or the right time, or after we do this or that… well, you get the point…. can actually go on forever.  And, will never get you where you ultimately want to go.


As I now birth my own dream of taking my (well-brainstormed) concept into an actual business, my long-awaited step of inspired action seems obvious.  Funny enough, this phrase has meant so much to me because it is essentially the foundation of my business.  I believe that taking inspired action, (by Walking as a Sacred Practice), is actually the perfect healing modality for body, mind, and spirit.  It was staring me in the face the whole time!  Oh, I love the irony of life.


So, whatever it is… your dream life- idea- business- relationship… dream it up, visualize it, and then take inspired action!  Your actions will be rewarded with success!


 “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

 ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden

The WildWood TribeIf you feel like you could use some support with creating the life you desire, the universe is offering you a wonderful opportunity. 😊 I am fulfilling a dream that has been a lifetime in the making, The WildWood Tribe, a magical mentoring group for community and support.  

Find out more here: The Wildwood Tribe


“My vision is to be a part of an intimate tribe of inspired women, with a commitment to personal growth, self-empowerment, and most importantly, Self-Love, with the shared foundation of taking inspired action by walking and hiking in nature.  The purpose is to form a united community of like-hearted sisters for accountability, encouragement, and continuous motivation, as we all move toward our dreams, desires, and goals, together.” -Collin Chambers