Backpacking as a Sacred Practice: Creating Backpacking Meals as Self-Care

Once upon a time, I used to be a hiker who used backpacking as an excuse to eat whatever junk I wanted … candy, high-sugar trail snacks, chips… any and all comfort “food” that typically has zero nutritional value. This is perfectly fine in moderation (like anything, right?!). But I lived that way while hiking the entire Appalachian Trail… for six months… eating pretty much nothing but garbage… and the occasional salad I stumbled across. I think to myself now how much better I could have felt, how much more energy I could have had, and more importantly, sustained, had I been more mindful and disciplined about nutrition. Sure, you need extra calories while hiking long days, carrying a pack, but there are different ways to achieve that. High-vibration nourishment can also taste delicious!

I remember running into another AT hiker frequently, that ate nothing but her own homegrown vegetables, dried and packaged, and shipped to her on the trail. I missed and craved vegetables, and she shared some of her healthy dried veggies with me. I was so grateful. I kept thinking how much work that had to have been and how I knew I would never do that. At least not for six months’ worth of food! I resupplied as I went, filling up on the usual hiker junk at every store I passed.

Don’t get me wrong, I still indulge in comfort food and the occasional bag of M&Ms when I am backpacking. However, my mainstay is eating sensible backpacking meals with as minimal processing as possible. (Ok, I *may* still have a slight addiction to instant mashed potatoes… don’t judge! haha)  Over time I discovered the art of making healthy hiking meals from scratch. I don’t have the time I once had to dehydrate all my own fruits, vegetables, and home-cooked meals, but I was once very passionate about it. My backpacking meals were stellar and a huge part of the delight I received in planning my adventures.

Now, my greatest joy is just being present in the woods; I want nutritious food that’s simple to prepare and easy to cook. Thanks to the modern-day availability of, well, everything… we can easily make healthy meals. By combining high-quality dehydrated fruits and vegetables, mixed with grains, seeds, legumes, nutritious carbs, and an endless variety of spices and seasonings, food can be nutritious and flavorful. Creating satisfying meals that nourish us wholly and deeply can be simple.

In the upcoming BACKPACKING MASTERCLASS, we will learn about “Preparing Food as a Sacred Practice” by planning backpacking meals that are as tasty as they are wholesome. Our cooking class will be organized in a fashion that makes creating nutritious food fun, creative, and nourishing in all ways.