New Year’s Eve, 2022…


I have always been a sucker for New Year’s Resolutions. In years past, I would set my sights on a brand-spanking new… ideal me… eager to give up this and that… all the while envisioning all the new things that will be different… and better in the coming new year. Back then, it never occurred to me that I would be unable to maintain many drastic changes at once. And that there was a whole lot more to “becoming healthy,” or suddenly “getting fit,” or “giving up (fill in the blank) than just the momentary enthusiasm as we rolled toward the end of the year, stuffing down holiday treats as fast as I could. The end result was always an utter and total failure, sometimes before I even began. And every time the pattern was repeated, the negative outcome came sooner… as if there was a cosmic formula for failure I was following to a “T.”


I wholly support finding inspiring ways to be a better person, expand, and grow, no matter the time of year. But I am also aware, as many of us are, of the effect of these lofty expectations intermingling with residual holiday habits and low motivation. Self-transformation is a process that does not magically happen at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. It is a personal commitment that ebbs and flows, waxes and wanes, and often takes renewed motivation and self-discipline.


The habits that have endured the test of time for me have been the ones that fulfill me physically, emotionally, and spiritually; practices that have contributed to a fresh perspective of whole health. Taking baby steps toward your dreams or goals is a much more sustainable, long-term approach. Radical changes can be very challenging for most people. When considering your resolutions or goals for the new year, remember that the ultimate self-care is making realistic plans that are easily integrated into your daily life.


Are you looking for ideas for a new path to whole health? How about adding a daily walk in nature to your schedule? I invite you to consider Walking as a Sacred Path to bring rapid and profound transformation to your life. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. There are plenty of fun-loving groups, live and online, podcasts and books, and ample support when you go looking for it.


Here is a complimentary guide, “WALKING AS A SACRED PRACTICE:  The beginner’s Guide to Transforming Your Life by Simply Taking a Walk” [] to help you on your way.

May your New Year be filled with joy and wonder.
