Would you like to participate in a meditation experiment? I have created a variety of fun and healing sacred meditation practices that I would love to share with you as “Mystery Meditations.”  If you are already a member of our sacred women’s circle Facebook group, The WildWood Circle, please feel free to come on over and participate with us.  If not, please join us below.

We will begin with an easy “moving meditation.” So, for an easy meditation experiment, we are simply calling in AWARENESS while Walking As a Sacred Practice.

I invite you to take a walk outside… whether it is just in your neighborhood, on a nearby trail, on a beach…wherever you are… just take a walk and make your intention, AWARENESS.   Practicing presence in nature is the most ancient and enchanting healing ritual of them all. 
Practice for as long as it feels good to do so.  I made you a nature-inspired video below.

Open all of your senses… notice the colors, textures, smells, and sounds that catch your attention. Take it all in, with every cell in your body. Make your intention to stay present, consciously releasing distractions, and experience your BEINGness.
Your mind may wander… just bring it back to your footsteps on the ground, dirt, sand, or pavement.

What is calling your attention?
Do you have any new awareness?
If you really want to embrace the experience as a magical healing experiment, write your experiences down. Then read them at a later date.

I would love to hear about any part of your experience!
Thank you for participating. 
With Gratitude,

Are you a member of The WildWood Circle?
If not, could you use some support and encouragement in these cosmically bewildering times?

You are cordially invited to join a circle of empowered women, holding each other lovingly accountable, and providing encouragement and inspiration, in a safe and sacred space.  Feeling genuinely connected to a community of like-hearted sisters, walking our sacred path, together, heals and inspires the spirit.