Go with the Flow…


The word “Flow” has been my focus for 2020.  I chose this word in response to the realization that I often RESIST what actually is and I try to control the outcome of a situation.  Oh, how human of me, right? Lol.  Of course, we know this is impossible and leads to frustration and the feeling of powerlessness.  Yet we are not powerless.  We are only powerless when we give our power away.


So, going with the flow is about embracing peacefulness.  Accepting that things are exactly as they are and being ok with it, is a choice I get to make.  I also find sometimes that something I was desperately trying to control actually worked out better than I would have planned it anyway.  Go figure. Funny Universe.


One of my usual hikes here in Black Mountain is on an old roadbed that has over the years become more and more eroded to where the ruts are several feet deep in some places!  Although rutted roads always impart some kind of sense of neglect to me, I am thrilled that this particular road is impassible by vehicle because it is slowly turning into a single file trail!  Over time I have learned to appreciate all that is going on in this little crazy canyon that was forming.  The red, orange, and silver layers of rock and clay are actually fascinating!  I have found some truly interesting pieces of quartz, rose quartz, and black tourmaline.


But what it really showed me is that nature has no judgment about this old rutted road.  Whatsoever.  Water comes down and it takes the path of least resistance… Every. Single. Time.   It leaves behind what it no longer needs, the piles of leaves that get washed down in heavy rain and then get discarded to the side as the river keeps flowing.  It reminds me that our lessons come up on every single plane of existence, being shown to us in the most amazing and simple ways interestingly called everyday life.


This deeply furrowed road is a reminder for me to stay tuned in to my own body and keep my energy flowing at all times. Cleaning out the old! If we let negative emotions build up in our body, we allow dis-ease to set in.  Movement is one of the absolute simplest and best tools to keep our energy flowing.  Movement with intention is an even more powerful way to release stuck emotions.


Full moons are excellent times to intentionally release ALL that no longer serves us.  I invite you to participate, in your own way, to actively release stuck emotions on this Leo full moon, early Sunday (2/9/20 @2:33am).  A great full moon ritual could be to affirm what you are releasing, and incorporate some type of movement- dance to your favorite song, go for a walk outside, anything at all- and know it is flowing out of your body, allowing space for what we do want, to come in.  Next, affirm what you wish to take its place, and visualize this as already happening in whatever fashion you wish to imagine it. Keep this vision! Write it down.  And then let it all go, trusting the Universe is already preparing your way.  Because it is!

Happy full moon in Leo!