This post is inspired by the intuitive feeling of resistance and negativity I feel when I see hikers identify with the word “hikertrash.”  I have a lot of friends in the hiking community. And to those of you who use this term, even in jest, I hope you will not be offended. I share these musings only as something for your consideration. My instinctual thought is simply that someone who purposefully calls themselves hikertrash must not understand the power of summoning we create with every word we think, speak, or write.

For we are magnificent creators! …Beyond even our wildest imaginations! And the moment each of us steps wholly into accountability and takes responsibility for what we think, say, and do, is the moment our lives change forever. We choose every moment, mostly subconsciously, by the mere existence of our underlying beliefs.

Of course, I am making the assumption here that one equates the word hikertrash with something negative. In my humble opinion, trash is trash, and I would never want to create a life of trash. In fact, our daily work is to simply let go of ALL the garbage, and step into the powerful place of intentional creation, as we are meant to do.

Our words truly matter! Choose loving, kind, uplifting words to associate with yourself! You are amazing!! #hikergoddess