Some would call only specific spiritual disciplines a Sacred Practice, such as yoga, meditation, or other rituals.  But in reality, any activity can become a Sacred Practice.  By observing an ordinary task as a Sacred Practice, we choose to see the activity as a Self-Care ritual and a way to connect with the Divine.  A subtle yet powerful shift takes place within us that summons our “Higher Self” with our conscious mind and body, even while performing rather mundane tasks. 

As we walk down the path of Awakening, we can embrace other daily rituals as Sacred Practices.  Some examples are sending loving thoughts to your teeth and gums while brushing and flossing them.  Repeat thoughts like, “I have bright, healthy, straight teeth and healthy gums.” Or, “I love my teeth!”  I am not joking when I say that my teeth are in the best shape they have ever seen!  

Blessing our food is nothing new, but we can revitalize rote traditions with vibrant new energy.  As I hold my hands over my food, I am filled with gratitude, and I visualize sending healing power going into the food, knowing it is wholly nourishing my body when I eat it.  Practitioners of Reiki would call this giving your food Reiki, but anyone can do this. In fact, you can do this with any routine endeavor, such as before drinking water, taking supplements or medication, or even bathing.  Be creative! There is no better way to be present and aware than to remain mindful of how we accomplish our repetitive activities.  

My early morning healing rituals and meditations flow into the rest of my day. Therefore, my days feel like they have an enchanted purposefulness to them.   A Sacred Practice is taking everyday activities and imbuing them with the intention of the highest and best good.  Creating a habit of living more mindfully brings so much more magic into the humdrum every day while at the same time lessening distractions. Some of my favorite Sacred Practices besides walking are dancing, yoga, playing music, singing/chanting, laughter, smiling…etc.

 What do you do that you LOVE that you consider a Sacred Practice?