Aaahhhh, Spring has finally arrived!
As all things are coming into equality and balance, we are filled with eternal hope for the season arising. On the equinox, the days and nights are equal for the whole planet. Within our sacred right of limitless possibilities, we are now beginning to experience that which we invited in just a few months ago…We had no idea what we would be facing today, as individuals and as a whole, on the last solstice, and yet here we are in these extraordinary times. It is time for us to step up and change our story.
When the warmth returns, we often begin a ritual of Spring cleaning which is an absolutely wonderful idea. Many of us have a little more time at home right now, so it is a perfect time to let go of the old and make way for the new. We often hold on to emotional rubbish as well. To prevent this from crystallizing in our body as dis-ease, there are countless tools to release stored up heavy emotional energy. Try something new, such as setting intentions with simple visualizations, breathing techniques, working with crystals, meditations, journaling, bodywork, or even just good ol’ fashioned physical activity… there are abundant ways to release that which no longer serve us. Intention is everything.
Although I am saddened to have canceled my Spring Equinox gathering on the coast, I invite you to create your own Spring Equinox Ceremony for this auspicious day. Let us, energetically together, release our fears of the unknown, and call in PEACE and TRUST. Trust that ALL is in divine order and that good often comes from moments of profound turmoil. Let us dig deep to find the silver lining that is always present, but sometimes difficult to find.
We ARE strong. We are resilient. We are stronger together, and this too shall most certainly pass. Please know you are loved and supported in ways beyond imagination. Now is the time to write our new stories of personal triumph through embracing the mystery.