STRESS!!! It is truly a killer these days!  I believe it is super important to find tools to help us when we feel overwhelmed.  When I am stressed…I go for a walk.  Seriously.  It truly works.  Don’t just take my word for it…try it for yourself.

I walk every day I possibly can.  But it isn’t just an OCD that compels me to don my hiking shoes and hit the trail, or street, or beach, (or wherever there is to walk nearby), it is my inherent desire to be outside, move my body, and find whatever magic is out there waiting for me to notice.  There are so many amazing reasons to go for a walk, beyond simply leaving your stress behind for a while and entering a place of peace, health, natural beauty, and freedom… There are so many healthy reasons, such as lower blood pressure, less chance of disease and weight issues, healthier joints and immune system, positive effects on bones, the list literally goes on and on…

There are emotional, mental and spiritual benefits as well.  Walking helps mental clarity, focus, organization skills, self-confidence, and mood elevation …just to name a few.  Walking is a powerful moving meditation and can be more comfortable for many, than sitting meditation.  I have come to regard this activity as my most profound spiritual discipline.  It elevates connection to Spirit and reveals the divine beauty all around us everywhere, all the time.  It is always our choice to remain open-minded, open-hearted and choose to see the genuine magic all around us.

Over time, I have come to realize that in order to move past life’s (sometimes daily!) stumbling blocks, we sometimes need to simply, shift our energy.  The easiest way to shift our energetic bodies is to move our physical bodies. Thankfully, it does not take too much to make this happen.  We can do just about anything that moves the body, whether it simply sweeping the front porch, turning on some music and gettin’ yer boogie-woogie on right there in the kitchen ….or….. just go right outside your front door and take a walk. It is relatively easy, you can do it almost anywhere, it’s free, and it doesn’t require anything but appropriate footwear.

Human beings are made to walk.  It is the natural movement our bodies are literally, designed to do.  I believe, walking is a panacea for just about everything.  This is one daily practice that has astounding effects on the whole body, inside and out.

Wanna go for a hike?
Please check out (and Like! 😁) the WildWood Magic Facebook page for upcoming events: