Another Magical Gathering in THE GODDESS REVIVAL Workshop Series….

March 11, 2017 3pm-6pm at Free Spirits Yoga in Greensboro, NC


You are cordially invited to a Gathering of Feminine Mystery and Magic…  A Workshop & Ceremony to honor the inherent Divine Goddess and summon the WILD WOMAN within…

Enter the Mystical and Transformational world of Women’s Sacred Practices and Temple Arts…Within this Cosmic Temple exists a Safe and Sacred Space to inspire and embrace your WILD WOMAN!

“The Goddess Revival” workshop series nourishes our innate desire to connect with our Sisters and Elevate our Vibration.  Guided by Ancient Wisdom from indigenous practices from around the world, together we explore & surrender to the Divine…allowing profound and Magical Life Shifts to occur.  This Enchanted Gathering weaves together gentle guided Sacred Movement, Meditation, Rituals, Oracle Divination, Soul-Connections, modern day Magic, and of course…Chocolate! (Home-made vegan raw organic without refined sugar)

Please join us to explore fun, Mystical Tools for Self-Empowerment and Awaken the primordial WILD WOMAN within.

CLICK HERE to register!