• Set an intention for yourself. It all begins with a purpose. Have realistic goals that are conceivable and achievable for you.
  • Prepare for success. Outfit yourself with high-quality, comfortable shoes that best fit your feet. Go to a reputable outfitter and invest in the health of your feet. You are worth it!
  • Replace your shoes/boots when they begin to lose support… and if your shoes are visibly worn out, it’s beyond overdue!
  • Don’t skimp on the socks either: Socks are the next most essential piece of “gear” you will need next to your walking shoes or boots. Quality hiking socks are made from synthetic blends and wool. Properly fitting socks are snug, without being too restrictive, but even more importantly, not too big.
  • Keep your shoes or boots tied snugly. Not super tight but snug enough to give the support they are meant to provide.
  • Got pain? Do you occasionally get annoying little aches and pains? (Umm… usually when it’s time to replace the shoes~hint hint) A remedy for most minor joint pains… you know… the slight “tweak” that just pops up out of nowhere? This solution is like the fix for most tech problems… unplug it for a minute and then turn it back on again. This remedy is just as simple. Simply take your shoes and socks off, and put them back on, tightening up the laces on both -yes, both- shoes.
  • Shoe-off breaks. If you are prone to blisters or feet issues, take your shoes and socks off, let your feet dry out, and then put them back on snugly. Scheduled breaks will also give you time to slow down and enjoy the scenery.
  • Sock liners can be very helpful. They are thin, usually made of wool or synthetic materials that feel a bit “slippery.” They should be snug so the liner takes the friction, not your foot.
  • Shoe inserts, or insoles, are genuinely helpful and add support, comfort, and can even transform the fit of your footwear.
  • Mama always said don’t slouch… Alignment: The health of your back and joints depends on good posture. Keeping your back straight is usually more challenging while ascending/descending steep grades. Our body’s natural response to gravity is to lean forward. Mindfully keeping your spine upright and vertically aligned will dramatically reduce strain on your lower back. Focus on remaining relaxed while keeping your chin neutral and parallel to the ground. When practicing, you may feel like a weirdo robot at first, but it will quickly become a habit, feel normal, and will save your back, knees, and hips from chronic pain. A hiking stick or trekking poles can also help significantly, not to mention add stability.
  • If you always walk on pavement, occasionally change it up: Walking on uneven terrain triggers many small physiological changes within the body. Numerous muscles, ligaments, and tendons are activated and stimulated when walking over roots, rocks, and slopes. Also, we are more often present and engaged as we focus on where to find the most stable footing.

  • Take some time to walk alone…yes… even without Spot. Being alone helps us to be present in nature, without the distraction of conversation or anyone else’s needs. I believe there is no reason to fear taking solitary walks in nature with the proper preparedness. Scared to walk alone? Take long deep breaths and… sing or chant. That’s right… nothing (four-legged or two-legged) will bother you while belting out your favorite tune. It brings courage, confidence, and so much more! Try it!
  • Get rid of your scale. It is not fair to you to measure your happiness and self-worth by a machine. If you are walking to lose weight, please do not weigh yourself daily. Learn to use your body’s intuitive senses and go by how you feel and your clothes fit. Our bodies can fluctuate drastically from day to day, depending on hormones, holidays, and other factors. Intuitively tuning into your body is the greatest source of data. Oh… and be kind to yourself!
  • Get Some Motivational Help. Sometimes having a mentor, coach, or walking community is beneficial. Understanding we are not alone can help shift our mindset and keep us on track to reach our goals. Join a walking club or a group training program, hire a coach, or ask a friend for help. Find the encouragement to keep you feeling supported and motivated on your journey.


 Self-Transformation can simply be making tiny changes in our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. A new perspective can transport us from stagnant thinking into a new and refreshing reality. If you get the idea to try something new, anything at all, do not lose the momentum that is already stirring within. Whatever inspired action is calling you, do it! I am inviting you to own it. I mean, OWN IT!  Just decide and do it. BE AMAZING!!!! Be an authentic, skillful You!
Love, Collin