Even being a daily walker and hiker for decades, I still get annoying little aches and pains.  I have a go-to remedy for most minor joint and knee pains… you know… the minor “tweak” that just pops up out of nowhere?  This solution is kind of like the quick fix for most computer problems, where you turn it off and unplug everything for a minute and then turn it back on again?!?  My remedy is just as simple, and it is just tightening up both of the laces on both shoes.

Seriously, when I feel a little discomfort in a foot, a knee, or even a sudden back pain, usually retying my shoes really helps!  Sometimes it needs a total reboot, pun intended, by taking both shoes and socks completely off (and enjoying some shoe-off time for a few minutes) and then putting everything back on again and lacing up both shoes a little tighter.  I know, it sounds ridiculous and too good to be true, but it really does work!

It is also important to retie both shoes, as they both may have loosened up while walking, but also because where we feel the pain may not be the leg, foot, or knee that needs the extra support.  Making micro-adjustments to the way your shoes fit can alleviate pain, discomfort, and numbness.  It is important not to tie your shoes overly tightly, just snug enough to feel well-supported.

Happy hiking!
