Do you ever get the “mulligrubs” on the gray, dismal days of late fall and winter?

This was a word my grandmother used to say. Even without defining it, I think the word mulligrubs perfectly expresses the feeling we can sometimes all have. Whether it’s the weather, a splash of holiday stress, or the sometimes-overwhelming everythingness that life brings to our table, it can feel like a heavy load.


Instead of turning to the favorite distraction du jour (food, sweets, tobacco, substances, tv, etc.), how about giving your body and mind something that will genuinely lift your spirits? I find a healthy dose of nature is the perfect remedy to bring me back to a place of gratitude and wonder.


When your skies are cloudy and gray, take a walk in nature ~ any kind of walk ~ and ask to be shown the magic. This simple practice is the very definition of being present.  For when we ask, we always receive… when we pay attention.



As you walk, look for hints of color, shapes, or curious patterns peeking out from under the fallen leaves. You might be surprised how happy you can feel just catching a glimpse of a few remaining bright, red berries clinging to a barren branch. Color may not be as easy to spot as in the throes of spring, but magic is there, patiently waiting to be witnessed.








No colors to be found? No problem. YOU might just be the source of color in the winter forest! Haha!
