What is meditation?

Meditation and prayer raise our vibrational frequencies, strengthen our intuition, and support our connection to our divine nature.  Meditation is a fundamental tool in developing a spiritual practice of any kind.  Like anything we wish to learn, a new habit takes time to cultivate.  The benefits of quieting the mind and being present have infinite value in every aspect of our lives.  Meditation allows us to make everyday decisions from a place of centeredness and helps maintain tranquility amidst the storms.


Because our thoughts can move and direct energy, meditation is instrumental for personal transformation.  When we practice surrendering to life, we open a channel of divine guidance that leads to lasting peace.  Meditation practices provide sacred space to hear intuitive messages and inner knowing.  When we ask, if we are willing and open to receive, the answers will come.


There are more ways to meditate than one could count.  If you are new to the idea and are ready to experiment with meditation, find a practice that complements your lifestyle.  In addition to moving meditations, such as Walking as a Sacred Path, there are an endless variety of guided meditations, sound healing, mantra chanting, Transcendental, and various sitting meditations, such as Zen, Zazen, and the traditional ritual of simply observing the breath and so forth. In fact, anything can be a meditation.


Meditation is the art of just being, with no attention placed on thoughts, and a full release of control.  It is a practice of being the observer of your thoughts and letting each go without attachment or judgment.  It is a metaphor in real-time for going with the flow while simultaneously being engaged in life.  Meditation is accepting everything that happens, being only the witness, and continually coming back to the present moment.


Whether you have a regular practice or are just thinking about adding meditation to your life, perhaps just begin by setting a timer for a few minutes and observing your breath.  Inhale…. Exhale….