Walking as a Sacred Path Wilderness Retreat:

The pure beauty of wilderness blended with sacred movement, magical rituals, and personal transformation…


Is your soul calling for a profoundly healing, spiritual experience in nature, in a safe and sacred space with like-hearted sisters?


Then, join us for an intimate and extraordinary weekend of pure magic through a diverse fusion of sacred walks, practical skills classes, ancient practices, guided meditations, and fire ceremonies. On Friday, April 29th– Sunday, May 1st, 2022, 4 – 6 women will gather in an Enchanted Forest, deep in the Wilderness of North Georgia Mountains, for an Extraordinary Outdoor Wilderness Experience!




What’s Included:

  • Three days of pure magic and miracles through a diverse fusion of enchanting walks, practical skills classes, ancient practices, guided meditations, fire ceremonies, and plenty of deep, life-changing conversations
  • Warm, nourishing camping meals that include breakfast on Saturday & Sunday, Potluck dinner Friday & dinner on Saturday night
  • Camping fees for a truly stunning spot right by the South Fork of the Jacks River for two nights
  • The Art of Walking as a Sacred Practice” workshop including guidelines for increasing balance and flexibility, wildflower talks, and optional water-crossing/fording class
  • Leave No Trace as Self-Love” workshop: Everything you need to know to be a conscientious Keeper of the Land!
  • A Journal and pen for profound epiphanies and sacred writing meditations
  • An autographed copy of my book, WildWood Magic: A Guide to Walking as a Sacred Path
  • Unforgettable experiences in our sacred, intimate circle in the enchanted forest by the river, with two evenings of Sacred Circles, including a Fire Ceremony on our second night.



What is the purpose?

This Magical Wilderness Workshop offers a thrilling outdoor retreat that blends the pure beauty of wilderness with sacred movement, magical rituals, and personal transformation. This experience focuses on uniting the heart, mind, body, and spirit so you can envision your very best self and develop the confidence, courage, and skills to make that vision a reality. The wilderness provides a unique space and rhythm away from everyday distractions, filled with real magic, where this vision can be explored and skills can be cultivated.


Nestled deep in the Enchanted Forests of North Georgia, the Walking as a Sacred Path Wilderness Retreat takes place in a lovely camping area along the South Fork of the Jacks River and is surrounded by exceptional natural beauty. This experience is designed to help you immerse yourself in the natural world, become more connected to your inner truth, and be challenged in new ways of thinking. The Walking as a Sacred Path Wilderness Weekend is an excellent opportunity to gain deeper peace and wisdom through a retreat into the magic of nature.




What is Walking as a Sacred Path?

We are always surrounded by teachers, elders, and benevolent guides in the Wild Wood….  And when we take just a moment in time to slow down and pay attention, they reveal their secrets in earnest.  Mother Earth whispers in our ears as we take each step on this path with anticipation and quickening senses.  Wild ones sing us their songs, all the colors laugh, and call to us, as the sacred geometry of shapes, faces, and patterns spring forth to entice our attention…


Awakening to this is allowing subtle awareness to lead us to the magic that is, indeed, all around us.  Being present in nature is opening to receive all the healing, answers, and guidance we ever need at any given moment.  Nature is filled with gifts and miracles, patiently waiting for us to notice.

And… she is calling to us to come out and PLAY!


Walking as a Sacred Path is powerful and healing medicine for the mind, body, and spirit.  I look forward to sharing this and other sacred practices with you in the Wild Wood. Let’s go play in the Woods!


Register now and join us for a truly enchanting experience Friday, April 29- May 1, 2022.


Retreat Cost:

LIMITED SPOTS: Only 4-6 women are invited to this intimate weekend experience.  Reserve your place today!

Early Bird Special: $290 Before January 1st, 2022

$380 after January 1st, 2022

Price options:



What is not included?

-Camping gear: You will need a tent (or sleep in your vehicle), a sleeping pad, and a warm sleeping bag (A complete list of things you will need or may want to bring will be provided.)

-Snacks and trail lunches: Bring your favorite snacks and trail lunches for our excursions.  Some beverages will be provided, but you may want to bring your favorite warm drink for chilly Spring mornings and nights.

-Bring your own mug/cup, eating utensils, and bowl/plate


Your facilitator:

Collin Chambers and WildWood Magic: Event Facilitator, Spiritual Transformation Guide, and Awakener of Magic


Collin leads those seeking self-empowerment and personal transformation on enchanted journeys through a magical union of Sacred Movement, Rituals & Ceremonies, and Walking, Hiking, and Backpacking experiences in amazing places all over the world.



Other pertinent information:

*Friday night, we will have a potluck dinner.  Bring something to share that does NOT need reheating (there will be hot food, too!). As a courtesy of those with food sensitivities, please write the name of all ingredients on a small piece of paper, so everyone knows what they are eating. Thank you!


*Rain date is May 6-8, 2022.  If two or more days have more than a 50% chance of rain, we will move the event to the following weekend, May 6-8th.


*I have several sets of high-quality camping/backpacking gear that I am happy to share. Please send me a message if you need gear.


*This is an alcohol and tobacco-free event.  If you smoke, we ask that you walk very, very far away from our camping area and all activities to do so. Thank you!