So, I’m out on my daily walk and it is SO much colder  than I thought it would be! I mean, it’s really cold and I am freezing!  I think it is only in the 40s but because it’s foggy and damp, it feels much colder.   If I had listened to my weather app, I’d be in real trouble now.  I would be dressed much differently- like in short-sleeves worrying about getting too much sun!  They said it was going to be 65° and very sunshiney. Uh….NOT!
Thankfully, I ALWAYS bring an extra layer (or two!) and I’m prepared for any kind of weather.   I don’t get caught in a sudden downpour or unpredictably cold temps without being prepared. And it has paid off many times.
Not only can this be extremely dangerous, but also, if I pack according to the weather channel, I’m for sure going to be disappointed at the least, because my expectations are not being met.  (Where is my sunshine?????) However, since I dont leave the house without everything I could possilby need, I can truly enjoy anything that comes along. Instead of seeing the weather as dreadful or unpleasant, I can see it as a blessing and know that I’m totally dry and warm. Yay me!
Would you like to know everything you need to have the safest and best hike ever?
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The Official WildWood Magic Day-Hiking Essentials & What to Wear List”  “Everything you need to have on you & with you to be safe and totally prepared for a walk in the woods!”
Happy hiking!