A Walk in the WildWood is an intimate, wilderness adventure complete with a powerful Fire Ceremony and homemade Chai in the enchanted forest…



$47 per person

*A half-day, Guided Walk in the WildWood, a Fire Ceremony, and Homemade Chai

*All Snacks and Tea are included.

*There is limited availability for this unique private wilderness experience. (Four women max)

We will open our small, intimate circle with introductions and a group intention. Shortly after, we will begin with a leisurely walk through the woods. Together, we journey through the enchanted forest in a magical Moving Meditation, that is sure to awaken the senses and feed the soul.

Enjoy an exhilarating day, filled with whimsically fun rituals, renewed purpose by Walking as a Sacred Path, and a magical Fire Ceremony at our journey’s destination. A warm fire, homemade Chai (spiced tea), and an assortment of snacks will be provided as part of our inspiring ceremony.

More information:

We will meet at one of the Neusiok trailheads, in the Croatan National Forest, near the Newport River (Coastal NC). As part of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, this beautiful trail features a meandering path through towering loblolly and Longleaf pines, boardwalks through Cypress swamps, and soft grassland savannahs.

When we arrive at our destination, we will build a small fire (while utilizing the 7 “Leave No Trace” principles) and begin our sacred fire ceremony. We will share snacks and tea as we experience the healing nature of the woods through the awareness of Forest Bathing. At our serene destination, we will have plenty of time for profound conversations, healing meditations, and other activities to dive deeper into the roots of the day’s intention. After a beautiful afternoon adventure, we will pack up and begin our journey back to the trailhead.

 $47 per person

(There is limited availability for this unique private wilderness experience. (Two-four women max)

A half-day, Guided Walk in the WildWood, a Fire Ceremony, and Homemade Chai (Spiced Tea)

Snacks and Tea are included. (Chai is vegan, organic, no refined-sugar, made with coconut milk)

What do I need to bring? 

A daypack

A water bottle (at least 1L)

A journal and pen

Extra layers of clothing for changing weather


Proper walking footwear

Any medication you need for an emergency or otherwise (Ex. EpiPen or rescue inhaler if you have allergies, asthma, etc.)

Optional: A towel, blanket, or small mat to sit around the campfire.

I will provide everything else:

Ceremonial Chai (organic, raw, fair-trade, and refined sugar-free)


All needed supplies for the day hike and ceremony

All emergency gear and supplies

Would you like to go on a magical Walk in the WildWood with me?