Have you wanted to experience the peace and solitude of an enchanted forest but have been too afraid to go by yourself?  Many people are conflicted about this, but there are simple ways to move past our fears so that we feel empowered to do anything that calls to us!


I frequently hike with friends, family, and clients, but for my daily walks and hikes, I am almost always by myself.  The presence of another person, anyone, regardless of the relationship, dramatically changes the nature of any walk.   I enjoy both experiences tremendously, for the different qualities they bring.  I love my solitary hikes, but I also love to experience the magic of nature with others.


Even when a group’s intention is “walking as a meditation,” it can be challenging for some to stay present and avoid becoming distracted.  I find that when I walk alone, in silence, I am much more connected to nature.  The sacred space that I create with each step I take upon the Earth inspires me to be a flowing force of awakening presence.


I enjoy walking alone because I allow nature to guide me to places that catch my attention and entice me to stop, take my shoes off, and “sit a spell.”  Nature is magic, and I am gently guided toward the experiences calling to me when I am present.



Some people feel that hiking alone is not safe.  I wholly respect this opinion, and there are other perspectives one can explore about the subject.  I believe there is no reason to be fearful about taking solitary walks in nature with proper preparation and planning. You need to be adequately equipped with everything you need for the kind of hike in which you are participating. You also should have reasonably good health, have some basic outdoor skills, and tell someone where you are going and when to expect your return. There are inherent risks associated with any physical activity. But, with proper preparation, you can minimize risks and invite some genuinely extraordinary experiences into your life.


With all that being said, there are times when someone might feel afraid… remembering that story your cousin told you about kids disappearing in the woods, or hearing noises that make you feel anxious, or whatever may be the case.  But do not fret; there are things you can do to make yourself feel completely calm and relaxed in any setting, in addition to being fully prepared.



The first step is an oldie but a goodie…  Simply breathe.  We often do not realize we are holding our breath, and this contributes significantly to our anxiety.  Three deep inhales/exhales is an easy and effective tool that can instantly shift any situation.


The next step is to positively affirm that, yes, you are feeling afraid (and that is perfectly ok!), and that no matter what is happening around you, everything is going to be alright.  Of course, with a few exceptions, the vast majority of our fears are only that—unfounded fears.  We don’t have control over much as humans, but we do have control of our emotions.


And the last step is a simple technique that ALWAYS helps me feel calm while hiking alone.  Are you ready… ok, here goes… it’s singing!  Seriously.  I was never much of a singer until I started a chanting meditation practice six years ago.  This helped me have confidence in my voice and gave me a few easy-to-remember words to sing (albeit non-English words, but who’s counting!?).


So, every time I feel the slightest bit nervous (or not, because now I enjoy singing so much…), I chant a mantra (or sing the Rolling Stones…or whatever is your vibe), out loud… sometimes VERY loudly.  I have yet to have a single negative encounter with any creature, four or two-legged, while singing and chanting in the woods.  Try it for yourself.  It works.  Guaranteed to work or your money back. lol.


If Walking as a Sacred Practice is your intention, I highly recommend experimenting with solitary walks, at least some of the time.  You will have the most magical experiences you could never have had otherwise.  However, the most important thing is just to get out outside and take a walk.  Happy hiking!


Stay tuned for the release of upcoming dates for a brand-new DAY-HIKING & BACKPACKING MASTERCLASSES. Learn all my tips and tricks to be a confident and highly skilled hiker…